- Gamma-ray Bursts in Inhomogeneous Interstellar Media
Under the direction of Dr. David Neilsen, I have been assisting in the development of a code designed to simulate a blast wave (such as from a supernova or hypernova) as it collides with a shell of matter in a stratified medium in interstellar space in order to explore the variations it might create in the light curves produced by long gamma-ray bursts.
- Measuring the Verdet Constant using Lock-in Detection
As a final project for the advanced physics lab, I developed an experimental setup that can be used to determine the Verdet constant for a medium by measuring the rotation of a laser's polarization using lock-in detection.
- Electron in a Magnetic Bottle
For an introductory computational physics course, I wrote a basic simulation of an electron trapped inside the magnetic field produced by two loops of current.